Despacho Aduanal

Customs clearance

Customs clearance

At Grupo Logistics we have over 37 years of experience providing innovative and superior comprehensive logistics and foreign trade, supported by our technological infrastructure and our OEA and ISO 9001-2015 certifications, always promoting the constant improvement of our processes and establishing ourselves as a strategic partner for our clients, as well as a key link in their supply chain. At Grupo Logistics, our quality is certified under the highest international standards.

We operate at the following customs offices:

  • AICM
  • AIFA
  • Ciudad Juárez, Chih
  • Colombia, Nuevo León
  • Lázaro Cárdenas, Mich
  • Manzanillo, Col
  • Mexicali, BC
  • Nuevo Laredo, Tamps
  • Tijuana, BC
  • Toluca, Méx
  • Veracruz, Ver

Specialized solutions offer

  • Customs processes
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Security compliance
  • Classification of goods
  • Tax calculation
  • Customs regime determination
  • Classification of goods
  • Forwarding for shipment redispatching

We offer a robust technological infrastructure with self-owned systems to have full control and visibility of the client's operations.

  • A service, an invoice
  • Removal of logistics deviations (delays – storage)
  • Inventory reduction
  • Reduction in working capital
  • Total cost reduction
  • Visibility of the whole supply chain

We have OEA certification as customs agents

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